Boost your overbooking strategy to the next level

Increase your RASK by +2% optimizing your overbooking

Optimized Flights
Optimized Pax


OVBO overbooks automatically the adequate flights for each market, obtaining incremental revenue with minimum denied boarding costs and impact on passengers experience

OVBO is an innovative revenue management tool that takes the most from edge AI, big data and web cloud technologies to provide accurate boarding forecast for overbooking. OVBO works plug & play for Navitaire and Radixx and It’s the result of a partnership between FlywareLabs and Tarmac that made OVBO possible through:

Engineering experience

Data Science

RM know how

Consultancy Services


Our technology helps RM teams to automatically optimize their overbooking strategy and stay focused on the core RM business


Our AI Algorithm predicts each PAX no-show probability so we can recommend an optimal lid for each flight.


Fully integrated with the PSS in order to provide a proactive recommendation on a daily basis.


RM teams can customize business rules to adapt OVBO to markets and business requirements

How it works

OVBO process and store the airline data from the PSS

Based on flown data, OVBO train an AI algorithm to predict future no-show

How it works

The algorithm predicts every PAX probability of no-show for all upcoming flights

OVBO sends the lid recommendation directly to the PSS

Based on the RM analyst inputs in our UI, OVBO generates an optimal lid recommendation for every flight

OVBO sends the lid recommendation directly to the PSS

Main Features

Web Responsive

Secure Cloud based solution

Live Health Check

Rules Management

Custom enhancement

Exclusive predictive model

RM Integration

Ad hoc airline features

Tableau integrated reporting services

RM consulting services

Sync with external DB

Avoidance of denied boarding snowball effect in high-demand markets

Contact us

Please send us a message if you want to know more about us. We will get back to you within 24 hours!